Sunday, October 29, 2006

It's about that time...

...For people who mostly have no reason to even go to a film festival to go completely insane over umm, movies... some of which will be in theatres within weeks. Fortunately, it is insanely interesting watching such an array of american tourists, and they've all got cards that are still warm that they love handing you. The cards introduce you to their fledgling production company(no, not a production company that's done one of the films in the festival, or anything.. other than making the cards I guess).
Last year, my band played** in the Stella Artois beer tent during the festival and no less than four people told any one member of the band 'if you're ever in L.A. drop us a line and we'll meet you for drinks or something', but the number of cards we received was harder to tally because individually we sometimes got the same cards, so if you get two of the same cards does that count as two or one? It had to have been somewhere between 12 and 15.

*-due to Orange County noise ordinances, planes have to basically stall right after takeoff, making you feel like you're about to die...I kid not, I sweated away four pounds in that ten seconds when I thought I was doomed. My sister paid attention to the pilot as he explained what was going to happen, so she just giggled as she watched me grabbing frantically at the armrests, because everybody knows grabbing on to the armrests will probably either keep the plane from crashing, or guarantee your survival in spite of the plane crashing.

**-We actually played the same set twice, songs in the same order; nobody noticed.

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