Monday, July 07, 2008

when anger is funny... yeah

So, I'm in a band yeah, and we play in a certain style as you might have guessed if you've read any of this blog - anyway, we got a really kind review on another local blog way more popular than this one, and in the comments after the review, I kid you not, somebody actually said not only does the band suck, but the singer's mustache is lame!


I'm not making this up ! You can't make up things like that!

Seriously amazing stuff. If you want to check it out google 'calico black pyramid' and it's one of the first things to come up. And what's almost better but not quite is that further down the comments another person responds to the meaner comments saying something to the effect of 'your dislike of the band probably has more to with how they stole your girlfriend or whatever than how you actually don't like their music'...

Again! I did NOT make this up ! I was actually kind of put off for about an hour but now I just think it's totally goofy!


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