Thursday, September 25, 2008

Lesson #467 updated

NYPD: "Well, after we shot that one guy 52 times in Queens, we thought, '....maybe more Taser's?'

On the other hand, I probably wouldn't want to spend an hour in an NYPD uniform, and try to even attempt to enforce the law.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lesson # 467

If you're gonna start yelling at people on the street, do it with clothes on; just the same, if a police office suggests he might shoot you with a Taser Gun, make it so that if he, in fact, was serious about Tasing you, you won't fall more than a few feet.

I've been thinking a lot about how when the Police are involved in something, and there's no press around to offer their version of what transpired, the Police literally control what happened as far as what goes on the record as happening. Thus, applying my very shallow knowledge of this very old theory, I'll posit that the man was drunk, shirtless and yelling at people because he was wasted and was also angry, and was simply holding the filament bulb mentioned in the story. Turns out I'm way wrong. The man hadn't been taking his medication(this from the NY Times:)

"Mr. Morales’s mother went to the building, where she found her son out of control, witnesses said. About 3 p.m., she called 911.

Officers with the Emergency Service Unit who arrived at the building were soon chasing Mr. Morales through his apartment, out a window and onto a fire escape. By then he had ripped a long light bulb from a ceiling fixture and was jabbing it at the pursuing officers, the police said.

He then jumped from the fire escape onto the narrow housing of a rolled-up security gate over the storefront on the ground floor of the building, the police said. Mr. Morales again swung the long tube, hitting an officer on the head, the police said.

“He was naked and he kept screaming,” said Joseph Adrien, who works at a nearby dry cleaners. Another witness said Mr. Morales’s mother was kept off to the side, pleading with the police to let her calm her son’s nerves, but being told repeatedly that it was now a police matter."

At least the Times provides more of a dual-sided take by including statements from witnesses; here's an example of what the Post will do with a story like this. Yeah - they'll call him a 'crazy rager'.

What Taser Guns are known for is incapacitating people. I don't know if(anyone's reading this! ha !) you've seen a similar automatic store-front gate before, but if you're standing on one you've only got an inch or two between your toes and the edge, which is typically beveled or rounded, such that falling off of one would be much easier than standing on one. If you're a cop about to shoot someone with a Taser Gun(remember, these things make people lose control of their bodies), and that man is standing on a very narrow ledge, you might spend a split-second on the range of possible consequence: "If this guy falls..."

Sunday, September 14, 2008