Saturday, June 14, 2008

NY first day


seriously. this place is basically the birthplace of fun. the day started out slow, then D and I met Doni and took a beautiful long walk - then we went to see the BOA's in BK with half of SLC. slightly weird seeing 9 or so Utahns at Pete's Candy Store, but so comforting at the same moment.

(so yeah, this is posthumously posted or whatever because I didn't finish it that night because it got all kinds of crazy as Duffy can attest, so I'm just calling it good.)

Monday, June 02, 2008


I know I'm supposed to be finishing the calico nw tour stories - but I've found some other wonderful things to help you kill time in the workday. Mondays are hard for slackers...

£ Last night I pulled out a beer cozy as I wanted to enjoy a Pabst Blue Ribbon. After a few sips I wondered if the cozy was ever scientifically proven to ... actually do anything. (read in a boomy, echo-ey voice:)I consulted the internet !(you can stop the boomy voice now... Or.. yeah, you should stop) I found a really awesome page, where some folks scientifically tested the insulating effects of a beer cozy v. an un-insulated can. This is the kind of information everyone should know. It makes me wonder if, had I done this instead of my 7th grade science fair experiment(about why hockey pucks are frozen before hockey games), would I have been dis-qualified?

Andrew Sullivan's blog, which is awesome, pointed me toward this five page screenplay-ish scenario - written by 'West Wing' writer Lawrence O’Donnell Jr. - about what could happen at the democratic national convention. It must take a load of skill to make politics this interesting.